
Alex & Sharon Zorzoliu

Alex and Sharon Zorzoliu, as part of LYDIA International, are committed to responding to the needs of children and families in Romania. They work with poor families and those in crisis situations.

The physical goals are to see families stay together to have a chance at a future and to break the cycle of poverty. The spiritual goals are to share their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to disciple, and to plug people into a local church.

The last 7 years they have worked mainly in villages in Southern Romania, helping children become educated, meeting medical needs, helping families have safe living conditions, teaching them about God and how He wants us to live. They have taken children into their home when needed and have encouraged others to come alongside those in need.


Sharon first went to Romania the summer of 1992. Alex is Romanian. He became a Christian in 1996. They were married in August 2002. The fall of 2002 they began working with LYDIA International.


Marinela & Costel

Marinela and Costel, pictured below with their little girl, came to know the Lord through the ministry. They now help Alex and Sharon help other families in the village. Tools are given to families so they can grow their own food—seeds, plants, chicks, goats, etc. The families work and take pride in what they do and that they can provide for their families.

Marinela & Costel

Working in the villages with people who have land has allowed them to give people “a fishing rod rather than a fish.”

Lydia International Iosua


Iosua is learning how to walk. There is a private clinic that does physical therapy with Iosua, but his parents weren’t able to afford it on their own.

LYDIA International, through their supporters, has come alongside this family to help Iosua learn how to walk. The ministry helps families with special needs.




Tax-deductible gifts may be mailed here:

LYDIA Home Association
4300 W. Irving Park Road
Chicago, IL 60641-2525

Please reference “Romania” on the memo line

To email the team in Romania, or questions about our donation, please reach out to

Emily Peilan

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